Landrover Pages

Monday, 28 April 2014

Morocco 4x4 overland tour, day 8 or 9

The most amazing dunes and fun

Our overland Tour to Morocco was getting even better now, fun fun, fun. We set out from Tagouite to travel to some dunes the north of Mhamid and have an early night after the previous days efforts. However, before we move onto the day itself I would like to say I was in need of a poop that morning.

Now a lot of people talk about having a poo when wild camping, but no one seems to put any real practical advice on the subject together on the Internet other than dig a hole poop in it and then burn your paper.  Can you imagine the smell. I therefore think its time for this to change.  I will say I respect the notion of digging a hole to poop into and burying your poop for it to degrade. All seems ok. Some people wait for days till the next good place to go, some just headed off when needed and came back relieved.

The problem I have with a wild camping poop is my knees dislocate easily.  So the thought of squatting over a hole only to find my right knee cap pops and I end up in the hole with what ever I have deposited there earlier does not appeal to me.  So I decided I needed a plan.  The plan I devised which was to drive Larry into the desert for a mile or so, dig a hole and then sit at the edge of my rock sliders and have a poop whilst reading the service manual between two open doors. Rock slider ha ha, how appropriate a name that is.

Anyway I was confident that unless someone was coming directly at me head on then there was no chance of anyone seeing what I was up to, so I could relax.  So there I was two doors open, shorts down reading a service manual for the car, then....

Have you seen Lawrence of Arabia, I have three times and the opening sequence  was re-enacted when I was having a crap, I saw it all unfold before my eyes.  As I said earlier, the locals pop up everywhere, even when you are doing personal stuff.  I did not expect to see one on a camel coming towards me when I had some rope hanging out.  I wondered if he would sho

Now this left me in a predicament, should I pinch it off and have a quick wipe, burn the paper, bury the poop and go; or tell the chap to go away rope hanging out and all and finish what I was doing?

Fortunately all the other guys got stuck on dunes at that exact moment in time and I was called on the CB to help so I took the 1st option above.  I got back to the group only to find out they had all go out of trouble.  So off I went again into the dunes for a 2nd attempt at said poop, which by then had lost its romance.

Can I give any advice here on wild camping toilet movements, nope.

Anyway back to the day, we drove to the north of a dune field and setup camp in the 44c temperatures, I got my tarp out for us to shelter under.  We decided to wait till it was cooler to start playing about in the sand.  This meant setting up a tarp for us to shelter under.

Need a little help here!
Andy and Mike took the opportunity to have a snooze.

Andy snoozing

Mike snoozing

Then we started to practise our Dune driving.

We all settled down for a while, except Ken who insisted in parking his 110 on a Dune and get it stuck, typical.

Ken parked

R watching everyone

Nice springs

Getting ready to be towed

Opps buried properly

Yay I'm out

Boo 90 stuck
P38 getting air!

The rush hour

Anyway, we had an awful lot of fun, everyone was playing in the sand and when night came along I gave a brief astronomy lesson.  Sid and Adam retired to the cocktail lounge and Mike, Rachel and I slept out under the stars, not together though.

Oh Range Rover dining and tiffins

I really can't say to much about this day other that it was fantastic, everyone was on a high, we all had a good play, Mike and Jerry had extra fruit during the evening three course meal, I believe it was peaches.  Sid and Adam had cocktails and even let us have some, we managed to blag some wine as well.  Even James was back to his normal self, big smiles.  I think the photo below sums up the area we were in nicely.

James and the Dunes

Oh how the next day was to change it all.

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